Tuesday, June 22, 2010

We're back from 2 weeks in a Tent...

So - that was not fun. (The sleeping in a tent part...) Camp Meeting on the other hand was a wonderful busy time! We look forward to next year... and a new tent or accommodation of some sort. ;)

I'm sure you are all wondering about my garden... well, it seems it rained alot while we were away. (Actually, it rained alot all over... even where we were. Hence the leaky tent story.)

There was one particularly bad storm that knocked out the power to our town for a few days and blew over our fence around our garden. :(  And the deer got in. Sad story!!  Here are the pics to prove their vandalism...

Left overs from the Pumpkin and Cucumber... :( Very sad.

Lots of growth in what is still alive though. Yay!

The deer ate all the radish tops and beetroot tops.
The wind blew the corn over... I hope it survives.


What is left of the watermelon.  The boys were so sad... we had to plant more for them.

Tomatoes!!! They are thriving.... Yes!! Something is liking the growing business...

The Blueberry bushes have not flowered again... and I think it is raining too much for them. The Tomato plant seems to be keeping some pests away too...

No more Sweet Peas. :(   The deer ate it all!

The Grape Vine seems to be rallying... and my be fruitful in 2 yrs!

After the deer broke off the large flowering branch this sub-branch has sprouted and looks strong. No flowers yet... maybe later in the year.

My funny upsidedown planter is doing okay. Looks really funny... no flowers on the tomato plants yet.

I will have to replant these pepper and eggplant (the last one left as the deer ate the others) in the garden soon.

This pepper plant is very happy and has a baby pepper already!!


No flowers on this blueberry either... perhaps it is too hot?
None on the companion Tomato plant either...??

VANDALS!! Chipmunks? Ground hogs? Squirrels? Raccoons??

So that is the update after 2 weeks... I'll check back in a week or so.

My boys and I did plant some more radish seeds, pumpkin, cucumber, carrot, beet, and sweet peas... we hope they take and grow in the garden. They were very sad that the deer ate their plants. So keep your eye on this blog! And please send us all the tips you have too... thank you!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Last Garden shot.....

We are headed to Camp for 2 weeks so - I thought this to be the best time to do a check in with our garden.

Major changes... My hubby put a deer fence up! (None too soon as our next door neighbor had all of her blooming pea plants - which were about 4 ft tall - eaten to 2 ft tall!)  Besides someone was eating my blueberry bushes flowers and baby berries. :(

My son is 5 - he's about 4 and a half ft tall. So the fence must be 5 ft or so...

Lots of new growth - I think we will harvest the radishes when we get back. :D
And the TOMATOES!!

We have baby flowrs and a tiny (bud) of a tomato! So we should have some lovely tomatoes soon... Yum!

The boys' pumpkin is looking like it wants to blossom already... yay!

My climbing peas are still climbing...

The potted pepper and eggplant are growing... I may have to replant these somewhere.

Our 'experimental' upside down tomato has begun to turn... we'll see where and how this does and goes.

So far the deer and critters (bunnies and such) have not found this bush... we may get some buds and berries from here. And yes that is 2 Tomato plants there, they are companion plants. :D

Vandals!! I think it was Deer. They broke my only stem (with flowers!!) on our raspberry 'bush'. Sad. Thankfully it's got a new shoot that looks promising.

Our grape 'stick' is not changed at all yet.... Hmm. May need to seek advice on this one.

I may need to plant these in the garden... They are growing like mad! They love summer. ;)

So - these are my plants... I need advice so don't forget to pop in and give your 2 cts worth of gardening advice. I'm proud of the fact I've not killed all of them yet. :D

Love to hear what you say....